As a leader you must realize that, so many people are relying on you for inspiration to achieve intended goal of leadership. So as a leader you must be very careful how you behave or carry yourself around especially in front of your followers. People or rather your followers will rate your leadership depending on how you relate to them or behave in their presence. Remember to try as much as you can to avoid giving your followers any reason to doubt you. This means that as a leader you need to be above reproach.

To know the type of a leader you are, you need to know your personality.  What are this personal traits that you can be identified with? How do this traits emerge in your leadership environment? When you know this personal traits they can help you to apply them well in different environments or circumstances.

If you are the type of Leader that is so much interested in quality, a leader whose main interest is in the results, then you are that type of leader whose leadership anchors around results. This type of leadership is great as it’s prone to achieve much in terms of quality. However, it may end up that this type of a leader focuses so much on the quality at the expense of the team. Remember the team is very important in achieving and maintaining results.

Are you that type of a leader whose main interest is to please people? Then you are that leader that seeks to be liked. Such leadership can be weak leadership, as it will mean that at times, you will be forced to compromise your stand as a leader to please some people. In a case where you are leading a lot of people, it may cause division and failure  of you as a leader.This is because it’s not easy to please everybody since people, normally have different approaches to different issues.

I have come across leaders who believe in power and control that comes with position they hold. This type of leaders are likely to achieve a lot in their leadership as they are independent thinkers as compared to those who seek to please people.

The type of a leader that you are can also be regularized through discovery or mastering of your values. Values determine character or behavior.  When your followers know your behavior it will determine whether you can influence them or not. For instance you if you are a person who does not value hard work, it means that those who value hard work will find it hard to be led by you. If your followers can not determine your core values, then they are likely to doubt your leadership.
Leadership is mirrored in the followers. Whatever most of your followers say you are then you are. So getting feedback from your followers will help you know what kind of a leader you are. Asking face to face or collecting the perspectives from a feedback box will help you improve on areas you think you need to improve and work on the weaker points of your leadership. This needs honest followers who will tell you as it is.

So generally as a leader it’s very important to know the type of leader you are. This will enable you to achieve much in your leadership in terms of quality and quantity results. God remains the ultimate source of all knowledge. When you know him you know your purpose in every circumstance or environment. Knowing your purpose makes it very easy for you to lead and lead in away that is acceptable to most if not all the followers.

The Author Dickson Mutashe is a Christian leadership Student at Rhema Bible College, In Nairobi Kenya. He has an experience of over 10 years in different leadership positions both in the church, business and corporate world.


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