This is the action of leading either a group of people or organization. An act of cutting through the jungle so that the rest of your group can follow. Leadership is not management. People in true leadership can be good managers but not all managers can be leaders. Management could be by appointment, other than leadership traits qualification. But for one to pass the test of a good leader, then management traits must be visibly available in his leadership. Managers do things right while leaders do the right things. With this, I mean it is possible to do wrong things right.

Some leaders are born and others trained to become leaders. What I mean is that you can be born leader by virtue of being born in a certain family or you could acquire this leadership by skill acquired in school or by apprenticeship. Some leadership could not necessarily be by virtue of training in school or by apprenticeship but by the hard or soft knocks of life.

Leadership means exerting influence on an organization or a group of people to achieve result of followers. The influence could be either positive or negative. Leadership is not easy because the higher you go in ranks of leadership the more responsibilities that you shoulder. Hence, I would say that the higher you go in leadership the hotter it becomes. To have influence, the leadership could use threats, inducement, or display high level of leadership qualities because of either education or experience. Most of those people who use threats could end up failing when the followers gain muscles to wrestle them out of leadership.

Leadership goes hand in hand with vision, if you are in leadership you must have a vision so that you know exactly where you want to take your followers. There is a saying that goes if you do not know where you are going then you can end up anywhere. Nobody wants to follow someone without tangible vision and that is why it is very important that the vision be well communicated to the followers.

Great leadership also can be displayed through high level of integrity. It does not matter what area the leadership is being applied. High level of integrity to survive as a leader is paramount. If your integrity is in question then be rest assured that you will lose a following.

There are different types of leadership but, each depends on how well its able to influence the follower. The truth of the matter is all leaders end up with sycophancy at times. Every leader be they dictatorial or democratic, will have diehard followers who don't at times care about the traits of the leadership except the gains they get from such a leader.

Therefore, leadership must be exhibited in a manner that will influence the followers to be loyal to the leadership. This can only be achieved when the leadership understands the virtue of integrity and total commitment to the the vision; being able to rally the followers to the vision. In order for leadership to be enjoyable or rather doable, it needs to be Godly and Christ like.

The Author Dickson Mutashe is a Christian leadership Student at Rhema Bible College, In Nairobi Kenya. He has an experience of over 10 years in different leadership positions both in the church, business and corporate world.


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