You Were Created To Lead. No excuse!

You may be a follower here, but you will be a leader there. So never ever think that leadership is a preserve of a few people-rise up and shine as a leader.
Man was created to rule and so man is a leader by creation.
Leadership is Influence. It’s about the ability to get following. Not the ability to achieve position.
A Godly leader uses the influence to direct constructive change towards God’s desired future. It’s being good steward towards those people following you as its God who has entrusted you with the people you lead.
Godly leadership must entail building the people around you and this will show God’s heart in your endeavor. You must have a heart of people for you to be a Godly leader. Godly leadership is not a bout position but about service.
We are called to lead by God
The fact that we are created in God’s image means we were created to lead and also remember God gave us dominion over the whole earth. This means we have the ability to lead as God cannot give a task without the ability.
God has a reason for us to lead as we have God’s delegated authority to act on his behalf. He has as well given as a task to accomplish on earth and that is the great commission.
God has given us the permission to lead though we keep giving excuses like Moses.
EXCUSE ONE – Who am I (Exodus 3:11)
Identity; feeling unqualified, thinking that God picked wrong leader.
God responds by affirming that it does not matter who you are, God will still call you and he is with you
EXCUSE TWO – Who are you? (Exodus 3:13)
Lack of Knowledge- not knowing how to describe God to his people. He lacked the confidence
God responds by telling him I am who I am… I am anything you need.
EXCUSE THREE - What if they don’t listen (Exodus 4:1)
Intimidation – He worried about people not listening to him
God tells him to trust him as He is confident sure that by the time he is finished they will listen to him
EXCUSE FOUR – I am not a good speaker (Exodus 4:10)
Inadequacy – who will follow me if I can’t speak well?
God is responding to him with a question who made your mouth.  He is the source of all our gifts that we may need in our leadership.
EXCUSE FIVE – I know you can find somebody else
Inferiority – He compared himself with other more competent people so he felt inferior.
God responds: OK I will le Aaron go with you….. But am still calling you.
So please you have no excuse in terms being a leader.

The Author Dickson Mutashe is a Christian leadership Student at Rhema Bible College, In Nairobi Kenya. He has an experience of over 10 years in different leadership positions both in the church, business and corporate world.


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